Utiliza correctamente los artículos en inglés
Hoy nos centramos de nuevo en la gramática inglesa. Si bien el uso de los artículos en inglés es considerablemente más sencillo que en nuestro idioma…
Hoy nos centramos de nuevo en la gramática inglesa. Si bien el uso de los artículos en inglés es considerablemente más sencillo que en nuestro idioma…
Hoy nos centramos de nuevo en la gramática inglesa. Si bien el uso de los artículos en inglés es considerablemente más sencillo que en nuestro idioma…
Seguramente te habrás preguntado más de una vez: ¿qué debo utilizar, “into” (junto) o “in to” (separado)? Es una duda muy habitual ya que ambas formas no solo pueden tener un significado parecido sino que además suenan prácticamente igual, siendo muy difíciles de distinguir cuando las escuchamos. Aún así, existen una serie de matices que
Once English language students start putting the present perfect tense into practice it is time for them to use the related prepositions and adverbs. We know that prepositions for and since (this last one pronounced /sɪns/) can be sometimes tricky for students to use properly. Today we would like to share some tips, as well
You can either read this post or listen to it 😉 Today we are going to learn a few popular expressions in English which will surely enhance our speaking skills Once you get to speak English fluently, say intermediate-upper intermediate level, it is time for you to start incorporating idioms and expressions to your day-to-day
Today we would like to share with you an expression that is constantly used in English language, yet it might be slightly difficult to translate into Spanish. “Take something for granted” is defined as never care about something because you believe it will always be available or stay exactly the same way. Take for granted,
English language, like many other foreign languages, presents sometimes words and terms difficult to translate. It is rather common to hear in conversations the term “patronize”, which can be a bit confusing to Spanish speakers. Today we are going to look into its meaning and correct use to incorporate it into your vocabulary. As we
A few days ago we had the chance to check the grammar concerning New Year’s resolutions. Today we thought it would be a good idea to revise the grammar and vocabulary regarding future plans and arrangements, something quite relevant during these days when we think about nothing but the immediate future. When we talk about
Writing properly in English language is essential in our learning process, since written communication in its different forms (text messages, emails, formal letters, essays and articles, and so on) is part of our daily life, it defines our relations with other people, public or private entities and also provides us with a chance to express
May / might / could + have + past participle We can use may/might/could + be + present participle and may/might/could + have + past participle, with a future time reference, to express our belief that something will happen in the future. Examples: Tom’s flight was cancelled, so he may / might / could be